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PHONE:           0035 244 58 265

E-MAIL:           info@ohmtrail.be

ADDRESS:      Rohr PL 989, NY

Rules of participation

1. L'organisation

The Events Trail NPO bears the full legal and operational responsibility for the organization of the Ohm Trail and the Halloween Jogging

The organizer takes out civil liability insurance for the duration of the event and reminds competitors that it may be in their best interest to book a personal insurance to cover bodily injury to which they may be exposed as a result of the sport.

The organization of the event is placed under the responsibility of a race director who will see to the application of the present rules.

2. Acceptation du règlement et éthique de la course

Participation in the Ohm Trail and Halloween Jogging events implies the express acceptance, without reservation, of these rules, the ethics of the event and any instructions sent by the organizer to participants

3. Condition de participation et d’inscription

The races are open to all persons, men and women, licensed or not. The waiver must be signed by the parents of participants under 16 years old.

Participants under the age of 18 may only participate in the following races: Ohm Trail XL, Ohm Trail Ultra
Participants under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

Participants over 18 years of age may participate in the following races:

  • Start To Trail
  • Ohm Trail Light
  • Ohm Trail Original
  • Ohm Trail XL
  • Ohm Trail Ultra

Registration must be done online at the event registration portal www.ohmtrail.be
The terms and conditions of participation must be agreed upon at the time of online registration. A participant is only entitled to a start after a successful payment provided that places are still available.

Each participant must pick up his or her starter pack in person, with his or her ID card, and after checking the bag and its contents if required.

Athletes found guilty of doping will not be admitted. In addition, the organizer has the right to disqualify athletes for reasons of importance to the organizer.

A participant’s commitment is validated only after receipt of the required payment before the official closing date for registrations.

4. Engagement du coureur

To participate in the Ohm Trail races, especially on the Original, XL and Ultra courses, it is essential:

  • Be fully aware of the duration and specificity of the event and be fully prepared;
  • To have acquired, prior to the race, a real capacity of personal autonomy allowing the management of the problems induced by this type of event, and in particular:
  • Knowing how to face, without external help, climatic conditions that could be very difficult to manage (night, wind, cold, fog, rain, frost);
  • Knowing how to manage, even when isolated, physical or mental problems resulting from great fatigue, digestive problems, muscular or articular pains, small wounds…
  • Be fully aware that the role of the organization is not to help a runner deal with these problems;
  • Be fully aware that in such an activity, safety depends on the participant’s ability to adapt to encountered or anticipated problems
  • To inform and sensitize the members of the runner’s entourage to respect nature, people and the race rules.
  • Agree to receive newsletters providing information about the event.
5. Contrôle anti-dopage

The anti-doping rules of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), the Belgian Athletics Federation (LBFA), the World Anti-Doping Association (WADA) and the National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO) are fully applied. These rules are available on the relevant websites. Athletes participating in the competition are expected to familiarize themselves with these rules as well as the monitoring, sanction and appeal procedures.

Any competitor may be subject to a doping control before, during or at the finish of an event. In case of refusal or abstention, the athlete will be sanctioned in the same way as if he or she had been convicted of doping.

6. Semi autonomie

The principle of an individual race in semi-autonomy is the rule. The Ohm Trail events are run in a single stage, at an indefinite pace, within the time limits that are specified for each event. Semi-autonomy is defined as having the ability to be autonomous between two aid stations, as much for food as for clothing and safety, allowing you to adapt to problems encountered or anticipated (weather, physical problems, injuries …)

This principle implies the following rules:

Food and beverages are available at the aid stations for consumption on site. The organization will only provide plain water or an energy drink for filling water bottles or hydration packs. When leaving the aid station, runners must ensure that they have enough food and drink to continue to the next aid station.

Personal assistance is tolerated exclusively at all aid stations, in the area specifically reserved for this purpose. Assistance can only be provided by other people, without specific equipment other than a bag with a maximum volume of 20 liters. Assistance from a team of professionals, or any physician or paramedic, is strictly prohibited. The rest of the refreshment area is strictly reserved for runners.

It is forbidden to accompany or to be accompanied on any part of the race course by a person not registered in the race, outside the tolerance zones clearly indicated near the refreshment posts, i.e. 20 meters before the post and 20 meters after the refreshment post

It is forbidden at all other aid stations, as well as at any other point on the course.

7. Assurance

Competitors are invited to book an accident insurance. This should cover the potential costs of rescue operations and treatment. Any claim for damages by competitors against the race organizer, regardless of its legal basis, is void.

The costs resulting from the use of exceptional means of rescue must be paid by the rescued person who will also have to pay for his return from the place where he was evacuated. It is the responsibility of the runner to create his file and to present it to his insurance company within the given time limit.

8. Sécurité et assistance médicale

It is the responsibility of a runner in difficulty or seriously injured to call for help:

  • On the way to an aid station
  • By calling the Race HQ at the SOS number mentioned on each bib (number open only during the race period)
  • By asking another runner to alert the security service

Each runner must assist any person in danger and alert the security services.

In case it is impossible to contact the race headquarters, you can make a direct call to the national security service (especially if you are in an area where only emergency calls are possible)


Don’t forget that all sorts of environmental and race-related hazards may force you to wait for assistance longer than expected. Your safety therefore depends on the quality of the material you put in your bag.

All staff, physicians, paramedics, and anyone so designated by the organization are able to:

  • Exclude any competitor from the race deemed unable to continue the race
  • Require any competitor to use any mandatory equipment
  • To have evacuated by any means whatsoever the runners judged in danger
  • Referring patients to a better treatment facility that is better suited to their needs

A participant who contacts a physician submits to their authority and accepts their decisions.

From the moment a runner’s state of health justifies treatment with an intravenous infusion, he or she must be excluded from the race.

A first aid post will be available in Aywaille during the entire event. Competitors with a serious medical condition may apply. Minor treatments will be performed at the discretion of the staff and subject to availability.

Each runner must stay on the marked route.

All runners who voluntarily venture off the marked course are no longer under the responsibility of the organization.

Competitors are invited to book an accident insurance. This should cover the potential costs of rescue operations and treatment. Any claim for damages by competitors against the race organizer, regardless of its legal basis, is void.

The costs resulting from the use of exceptional means of rescue must be paid by the rescued person who will also have to pay for his return from the place where he was evacuated. It is the responsibility of the runner to create his file and to present it to his insurance company within the given time limit.

9. Respect de l'environnement

By registering for the Ohm Trail and Halloween Jogging events, participants agree to respect the environment and the natural areas through which they pass. In particular:

It is strictly forbidden to abandon your waste (gel tubes, paper, organic waste, plastic packaging…) along the course. Trash cans / garbage cans are available at each feeding station and it is imperative that they be used. Race officials will conduct random checks along the course.

All participants must keep all waste and packaging with them until they can dispose of it in the bins provided at each aid station. The organization encourages runners to carry a bag or a pouch to transport their waste to the next bin.

It is imperative that you follow the paths as they are marked, without shortening them.

No disposable plastic dishes (cutlery, cups, bowls) will be distributed at the feeding stations. The aim is to reduce the use of plastic by runners, as well as by the volunteers of the Events Trail Team

10. Abandon et rapatriement

Except in the case of injury, a runner must not abandon outside a feeding station. They must inform the person in charge of the post.

In the case of the decision to abandon between two aid stations, the runner must go to the next aid station where he announces his abandonment.

The runner keeps his bib in hand because it is the pass to access to meals, care …

Repatriation will be organized from each aid station. Injured or ill athletes will be given priority. In case of a total stop of the race, the organization will ensure the repatriation of the runners as soon as possible.

11. Conditions particulières

If circumstances require it, the organization reserves the right, at any time, to modify the course, the starting times, the deadlines, the position of the refreshment stands or safety posts, and any other aspect related to the smooth running of the event.

In case of force majeure, unfavorable weather conditions or any other circumstance that could jeopardize the safety of the competitors, the organization reserves the right to:

  • postpone departure by a few hours maximum
  • modify the deadlines
  • cancel the event
  • neutralize the event
  • stop the race in progress

In case of cancellation of this event, for any reason beyond our control, a partial refund of the registration fee will be made. The amount of this reimbursement will be set so as to allow the organization to meet all irremediable expenses incurred at the time of cancellation. In case of cancellation less than 1 week before the departure or in case of interruption of the race, for any reason whatsoever, no refund of the registration fee will be made.

If complete cancellation of the event :
100% of the registration fee refunded until 31/03/2023
No refund if the event is cancelled after 1/04/2023


If the formula is changed within one month before the event, or if the departure time or location is changed, or if the arrival is beyond the organizer’s control: no refund.

12. Jury de course

The Race Jury is composed of the following officials:

  • Events Trail NPO
  • Race Director
  • Members of the organizing committee

The Race Jury is authorized to preside over all cases of misconduct or similar events, if any. No objection may be made to the decision of the Race Jury.

13. Pénalités

The race officials present along the course, as well as the persons in charge of the various aid stations and refreshment posts are able to enforce the rules and to immediately apply a sanction in case of non-respect of these rules, according to the following table:


  • Shortening the route: Disqualification and banned for life
  • Dumping of garbage (voluntary act) by a competitor or a member of his entourage : One hour penalty
  • Lack of respect for others (organization or runners): Penalty of one hour
  • Note: a participant whose supporters are uncivil and/or refuse to respect the instructions of the organization will be sanctioned: Disqualification
  • Not assisting a person in difficulty (requiring care) : Disqualification
  • Assistance outside of designated areas : One hour penalty
  • Being accompanied on the course outside the tolerance zones clearly defined near the refreshment posts: Penalty of one hour
  • Deception (e.g.: use of a means of transport, sharing of a number,…) : Immediate disqualification for life
  • Failure to pass a checkpoint : Disqualification
  • Refusal to comply with an order from race directors, race officials, chief of station, doctors or rescue personnel: Disqualification
  • Refusal to take a doping test : The runner will be sanctioned in the same way as for taking drugs
  • Departure from a checkpoint before the end of the penalty : Immediate disqualification

(*) Time penalties are immediately applicable in situ, i.e. the runner must stop his race for the duration of the penalty time at the next aid station/food station.

Any other failure to comply with the rules will be subject to a penalty at the discretion of the race directors

14. Droit photo/ vidéo

Each competitor expressly waives the right to any image or video sequence during the event, as well as any right of recourse to the organizers and their partners for the use of their image. Only the organization can transfer this right for images and videos to any media, through an appropriate accreditation or license.

Any communication about the event or use of images or videos of the event must respect the name of the event, and have the official approval of the organization.

16. Modifications du règlement

The organizer reserves the right to make short-term changes which will be announced in due course.

15. Politique de Protection des Données Personnelles

By registering, the participant agrees that personal data may be collected and passed on to third parties for the purpose of timekeeping, ranking and results as well as for the publication of the respective lists on the Internet.

Information is collected as part of a registration for one of the Ohm Trail and Halloween Jogging races, for organizational purposes and in particular to identify each competitor in order to communicate his or her participation information before, during or after the event.

The participant agrees that his/her first name, last name, country, date of birth, race number and results (ranking, time) may be published in all print and electronic media relevant to the event.

The runner’s data is kept in the database for 10 years. This period is renewable at each registration and corresponds to the legal period of conservation of the data of the medical certificate and of the non-contraindication to the practice of athletics or to the race in competition, or to the sports card. After these 10 years, and unless the runner authorizes the organization to keep his data, all the data are deleted except the name, first name, date of birth, sex and nationality of the runner to maintain the classification.

According to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR 2016/679 and 2018/1807), every competitor has the right to access and modify all information about him or her. This can be done via the event page via email. Any changes to the data can be made by the competitors themselves.